ETH Zurich in New York

A festival in May will promote cultural and scientific exchange between the cities of Zurich and New York. ETH plays a major part in the Zurich meets New York festival.

Enlarged view: New York
Zurich will be visiting the Big Apple, where it is organising a festival of culture and science. (Bild: Justin Beckley / Flickr)

The Zurich meets New York festival will be hosted in New York from 16-23 May 2014. Swiss and American scientists, artists and people from the business community will be meeting to exchange ideas and take part in public events and workshops. This exchange is the express goal of the event, and ETH plays a major part in this. ETH is organising the festival in partnership with the University of Zurich, the City of Zurich and the Consulate General of Switzerland in New York. The Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) is participating as a cultural partner.

In addition to cultural highlights, which will have the 100th anniversary of the Dada movement as their general theme, the festival program will offer glimpses into Zurich's cutting-edge research. ETH attendees travelling to New York include the Rector, Lino Guzzella, as well as Professors Dirk Helbing, Gerhard Schmitt, Philip Ursprung, Kevin Schawinski, Didier Sornette, Kay Axhausen, Markus Gross, Wolfgang Kr?ger and Donald Kossmann. Prominent figures from American fields of research and industry will be convening to hold public discussions and debates on cities of the future, black holes, complex systems, cognitive computing, data science, the management of urban traffic flows and the risks bound up with systems and societies. Renowned scientists from the University of Zurich will also be attending the festival.

The budget for the festival is around CHF 1.1 million. ETH Zurich is contributing CHF 500,000, the City CHF 250,000 and the University of Zurich CHF 120,000. Around CHF 300,000 is from other partners and sponsors.

This text is based on a press release from the City of Zurich.

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